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Writer: A UrbinaA Urbina

Updated: May 9, 2019

The vast number of characters throughout the ulster cycle can be difficult to keep track of.

Connor Mac Nessa (a.k.a Conchobar)

He rules from Emain Macha and created the Red Branch Knights. Conchobar is the son of the High King of Ireland Fachtna Fathach. His guardian throughout the Ulster Cycle is the Druid Cathbhadh. After Conchobar's birth his mother Neasa married Fearghus Mac Rioch, King of Ulster. Upon their marriage, the King agreed to let her son(Conchobar) rule over his kingdom for a year. With the help of his mother, Conchobar led the Kingdom to prosperity and was successful in overthrowing King Fearghus Mac Rioch. As a result, Civil War ensued but Conchobar ultimately, retained his new thrown. While leading a prosperous nation, Conchobar would sleep with the bride of his subjects on their wedding night. He fell in love with Deirdre which eventually led Fearghus Mac Rioch to join Queen Medb and her army.


Born to Lugh, Celtic God of the Sun and mortal princess Deichtre, Cúchulainn was always headed for greatness at a rate that would ultimately lead to his doom. Born Setanta, he would acquire his new name after having slayed a guard dog at the House of Culann while in the presence of Conchobar Mac Nessa. Having volunteered to replace the guard dog himself, Setanta was given the name Cúchulainn, meaning "the hound of Culann". Cúchulainn was trained in Scotland by a mystical female warrior named Scathach. He returned to Ireland to defend Ulster against Medb, Queen of Connacht. In doing so he killed his childhood friend Ferdia. While in the fury of battle Cúchulainn would at times turn into a monstrous killing machine, not being to tell his friends from his enemies. He married an Irish princess Emer, but fell in love with the fairy princess Fand. His eventual death was foreshadowed by various evil omens leading up to the moment.


Cúchulainn's foster brother and childhood best friend, Ferdia was known to be one of the strongest warriors from Connacht. His skin was said to be made from horn which was impossible to pierce with a blade. His ultimate downfall was due to the magical weapon that Cúchulainn possessed, the "gae bolga".


Daughter to Chieftain Forgall the Clever, Emer was the only woman that Cúchulainn deemed worthy of marriage. Emer possessed the six womanly gifts of music, beauty, song, embroidery, wisdom, and modesty. She was the only woman who could hold a conversation with him. Before marrying Emer, Cúchulainn had a son with an arch rival of Scathach. She was a smart and independent woman which meant Cúchulainn did not consume her entire world.


She was the mother of Cúchulainn and sister to Conchobar Mac Nessa, King of Ulster. Her father was the Druid Cathbad. She swallowed a fly in her drink which led to her pregnancy after having fled the kingdom of Ulster. She would drive the Chariot for Conchobar when he went into battle.


She was the daughter of Ailill Mac Máta. After having cast a spell on her children she was turned into a demon and banished into the wind forever.


Warrior Queen Scathach, meaning "the shadowy one", ran a training facility for young warriors in Western Scotland. She trained Cúchulainn and was also able to foretell his future. She gave him a gift called Gae Bolga, which would prove pivotal in a future battle.


His nickname "poison tongue" was due to the abuse of his masterful arts and could break peoples reputations with his satire. He was incredibly wealthy.


He was Cúchulainn's only son. His mother was Aife, Queen warrior and archival to Scathach. He died at the hands of his father after having searched for him for seven years.


Daughter of King Tara, Medb married Ailill Mac Máta and gained control of the territory of Connacht. She was the goddess of sovereignty and territory. Her name is strongly associated with mead which makes all the more sense when you realize the rate at which she would seduce men.


He was brought to Medb's court when he was a kid and would eventually replace her third husband. In order to marry Medb he had to be without jealousy. Jealousy would ultimately be his downfall. He was wealthier than Medb by one bull.

Fergus Mac Roich

He was the original King of Ulster and would later become patron to Conchobar Mac Nessa. He married Neasa and would be overthrown by Conchobar.


A Celtic Goddess with the responsibility for fertility and prophecy. The curse of Macha was a sickness that affected all Ulstermen for 9 days and would leave them incapacitated.


Daughter to Fedlimid, she would become the storyteller for Conchobar. it was foretold when she was born, that she would be the most beautiful woman in Ireland but that a terrible evil came along with her.

Druid Cathbad

Cathbad is father to Conchobar Mac Nessa. The term Druid means "very knowledgable". They were often asked for their opinion on matters involving law and tradition since they were thought to have a connection with the otherworld.


She was the Irish war goddess and had a strong link to land. She formed one aspect of the triple death goddess(three parts) and was often associated with crows. They would appear in battles as a raven or crow and dealt a heavy hand in the outcome of the battle.


She is a fairy woman described as the "pearl of beauty". She falls in love with Cúchulainn but has her memory erased shortly after.


She is a goddess of battle which could alter the outcomes of battles through psychological means.


He was a servant of Conchobar and would be used for a spying mission. His wounding would lead to battle spearheaded by Conchobar Mac Nessa.


Slain by Cúchulainn, his pregnant wife would give birth to three boys and three girls that would seek to avenge their fathers death.

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